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Pipet - Sustainable Solutions for a better tomorrow

Across Australia, the demand for sustainable goods and services is on the rise, with many Australian’s increasingly preferring to make purchases from environmentally friendly and socially conscious brands.

Pipet are one of such brands looking to provide Australians with long-lasting and sustainable products for their household.

Founded in Sydney Australia, Pipet has an extensive range of sustainable household items that include:

The Range:

Pipet is not only providing Australians with sustainable products that are long-lasting, but are also making us question the products that we commonly used to buy.

Did you know? Traditional baking paper is covered in so much non-stick properties that it isn’t actually recyclable!

Let’s face it, single-use items are a massive hassle in the household - constantly using and throwing out freezer bags is bad for the environment, and they honestly don’t cut it half the time when you are trying to keep food items fresh.

Pipet has a sustainable option for almost everything in your kitchen, including Silicone Food Pouches that come in a variety of sizes, silicone baking mats, reusable food cover and even their popular wheat straws.

Sustainable Products and Ethically Sourced:

Personal Experience:

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Disclaimer: Products featured were sent as a gift from Pipet in order to share my experience with you all. My views and opinions in this blog are my own.

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